Carly Collins
Bachelor of Science in Education
Ever since she was little, Carly Collins knew she wanted to be a teacher.
That passion for teaching, and an opportunity to continue playing softball, led Collins to enroll at Delaware Tech. She graduated from the elementary education program in 2022 and immediately applied to the College's new Bachelor of Science in Education (BSE) program.
"Starting the BSE program has been a great experience as everyone in the program is able to get into the classroom to observe and student teach, which is something that we were not able to do before due to COVID," Collins said. "I also enjoy going to classes as we all have become friends since we have all the same classes together."
Collins started at Delaware Tech in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. She was very nervous, and on top of that, she had to learn time management skills to balance working, going to on-campus classes, logging in for online classes, student teaching, softball practice, and softball games.
"With hard work and quite a bit of studying, it all worked out," Collins said. "I had to find a routine to strictly follow in order to accomplish everything."
Besides taking classes at Delaware Tech and representing the College as one of the top softball pitchers in the region, Collins also works in a preschool classroom at the Child Development Center. She said her entire experience has allowed her to grow into her role as a future teacher.
"I have seen a positive change in myself when it comes to my teaching abilities as I have learned a great amount of new information and skills in my courses," Collins said. "Learning how to write lesson plans and being able to get in an elementary classroom for student teaching has been a real eye-opening experience."
Once she completes her bachelor's degree, Collins hopes to secure a full-time teaching position as either a kindergarten or first grade teacher.
"My dream career is to be an elementary school teacher and to make an impact on every student’s life in the best way possible," she said.

Program of Study
Bachelor of Science in Education
Carly is a member of the Delaware Tech softball team